Top 5 Challenges of an entrepreneur

The journey to become a successful entrepreneur in Nigeria seems very difficult. It’s a journey for only those who are ready to see light at the end of the tunnel despite all odds. It is definitely the journey for the strong. It is the journey for those who have the burning desire to solve other peoples problem, for those who are ready to make impact to the world. There are many challenges associated with being an entrepreneur. Some of them are minor and easily overcome, while others you may just have to endure. Despite all effort of the government over the years to curb unemployment, there have been no evidence to prove that their effort was been fertile, not until the final solution to the problem of unemployment was discovered which is called entrepreneurship which has saved many nations from been in a cry state and was seen to be the only saviour for the Nigerian economy. Now, people are beginning to look into owning their own business than just sitting idl...