It’s a pity that most business men who seem to call themselves an entrepreneur really don’t understand what the true concept is. Many business men and woman out there think they are entrepreneurs not knowing that they are simply practicing what they call self employment.

Many believe that once they have a business of their own they are simply nothing but an entrepreneur. No!!! it is. The moment we start understanding the major similarities between been self employed and been an entrepreneur the better for us all.

How can you call a pure water seller an entrepreneur? How on earth can you regard someone who do fry bean cake (AKARA) and yam at the road side as an entrepreneur. The fact that you own a business doesn’t make you an entrepreneur.

A vast amount of us really don’t understand the difference between these two because they are very synonymous to us. Self employment is you working for yourself probably as being a contractor, a freelancer or you owning your business.

The U.S dictionary defines entrepreneurship as "the art or science of innovation and risk-taking for profit in business. With this definition, I believe we are beginning to get an insight of how different these two are. these now bring us to the three major key difference between the two.

1) being self-employed, you have people who are working for you but being an entrepreneur, you have people who are working with you and not just under you. In self-employment, you employ people to work for you while the whole mission, vision and progress of the business lies on your shoulder but for an entrepreneur, you have people working with you - you are the boss or d director or C.E.O or whatever you tag your post but you and your staffs forms a team and you work as a team, they bring you ideas and innovations.

2) For the self-employed, they need to go to work all the time regardless of the amount of staffs they have. If they don't, the  business will simply stop. It might not stop on that day, but if their absence is consistent, as days roll over, there is possibility of the business flopping. For an entrepreneur, it is not so. The business keeps going even with the absence of the boss because he has those who knows and understand his vision and can run things successfully in his absence.

2) For self-employment, if the owner decides to retire, then that is the end of the business. If the owner dies, the business dies as well. For entrepreneurship, the business outruns the existence of the owner because his/her workers are working him with hence, they understand the vision, mission and value of the business but for self-employment, the workers are working for him, hence, all they do is just to sell the products and services - they don't understand the mind of the owner. 

Take for example, Apple Inc., even after the death of Steve Job, the business still moves on (and didn't change to being open source) but can you remember that there was once a newspaper called Concord in Nigeria? Where is it today? If those working with Steve Job did not know the vision of the business, will it still be existing?

Besides, business visionaries are Global masterminds. They see business in bigger scale than the independently employed. The independently employed does not have any desire to go past his/her region or experiment since they are frightened of going out on a limb, they are terrified in the event that it will work out or not, so they like to be on the more secure side however Entrepreneurs are daring people - he knows how to oversee and control hazard, he bargains well with his acquisition and thinks hugely.

A business person comprehends that there is cash to be made and more advantages to pick up when you serve others on a bigger scale. They think universally and recognize necessities and disappointments to serve the masses and consistently facilitate their business sector achieve so they are dependably found in the worldwide market more than the independently employed. Take for instance konga (a Nigeria e-trade association) and somebody who opened a shop to offer his products. His shop is in a specific spot for the scope of those around and not for those distant from his shop's area yet konga can bring this same merchandise at is being sold to you wherever you are - they are addressing the necessities of those distant.

So I see Konga as an entrepreneurial association as they are addressing the requirements of the masses,  and now Konga is known globally. Konga now develop their administrations to other west Africa nations like Ghana, Kenya and the preferences. This Konga and the shop proprietor who offers the same things have the same mission (to offer) however diverse vision (to reach all around)

A business can be little, yet when you begin to think like a business person and somebody who claims a business as well as somebody who maintains a business, then you will have the energy to develop and not stay at a point.

In conclusion, business enterprise is accepted to be a key determinant of the monetary accomplishment of a nation. Independent work could be childish on occasion when the vast majority of your thinking is about simply your riches. A business person additionally ponders his riches however he makes something that will advantage others and in this manner get riches for him - it is shared not egotistical.

Same goes to a Nation.

A country that put into business enterprise fortifies their economy. There is a greater amount of exportation to importation and the country is known in the worldwide business sector. Additionally, business people in a nation likewise upgrade the nation's economy. When you know about Apple inc., you consider America. When you know about Techno, you consider China. When you know about Samsung, you consider Korea thus numerous cases. With due appreciation and affection, for development and not judgment, when we know about our nation, Nigeria, what do we think?

It is not that enterpreneur is not rehearse in Nigeria but rather it is done on a little scale and this has limit our mindset and considering. At the point when a large portion of we Nigerians catch wind of business enterprise, we dig our psyche into cleanser making, shoe shine making, how to sell donuts etcetera.

Please don't get me wrong, these things are very excellent but our intelligence and skills can still be broadened than these. Let's see soap making, bead making and the likes as one sector of entrepreneurship which I believe is now being thoroughly taught but can we also look at another advance section of entrepreneurship? Can the government please help to invest into our intelligence. Thanks to those Nigerians who learnt how to develop inverters and solar generators - this is a very good example. Imagine this project has being invested on, then we won't have to import any of these things.

Our schooling does not matter but the education given to us, so regardless of being a graduate or not, there are people, creative people out there with high intelligence who are looking for chances to use their abilities. Government investing in this advance entrepreneurship will change the country from just having mechanics but mechanics who can make cars, computer engineers who can make mother boards, phone repairers who can make phones and their panels, textile industries that  can turn wool to clothes and not just only tailors. Imagine us importing toothpicks, cotton buds, matches and so many little things when it is not that we don't have the resources.

Nigerians who have the opportunity to support this type of entrepreneurship should please do so. I so much love Innoson motors - at least we now have a company producing Nigeria made cars (entrepreneurship) and not just Nigeria companies selling cars (self-employment).

Government putting resources into this development enterprise will change the nation from simply having mechanics however mechanics who can make autos, PC engineers who can make mother sheets, telephone repairers who can make telephones and their boards, material commercial ventures that can swing fleece to garments and not simply just tailors. Envision us importing toothpicks, cotton buds, matches thus business men easily overlooked details when it is not that we don't have the assets. Nigerians who have the chance to bolster this sort of business ought to kindly do as such. I so much love Innoson engines - at any rate we now have an organization creating Nigeria made autos (business enterprise) and not simply Nigeria organizations offering cars(self employment) .

I am not denouncing those offering these things but rather can another arrangement of individuals additionally figure out how to create these things? There are such a variety of different things we can in any case make for ourselves. In the event that the legislature would, we be able to residents can and in the meantime, we ought to have faith in ourselves and not denounce things that we make. We should Encourage ourselves by purchasing our own things instead of relying upon imported item. I need you to See yourself as the bill gate of this country.

I need you to consider yourself to be the imprint of Mark Zuckerberg of Africa. See that little business of yours as an incredible realm of tomorrow. I know it's your desire. I know it is your fantasy and I know you can turn into that extraordinary business person whose name will be heard on all media of the world. I know you can accomplish this. Just on the off chance that you put stock/believe in yourself.
you are a winner and not a loser. thanks

Think about this - "do you want to build a business that can sustain itself and be valuable enough to sell to others (this is the mind of an entrepreneur) or simply create work so you can pay your bills (this is the mind of self-employed)?



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